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Ukrainian: Коза-Дереза [Koza-dereza] The Bully Goat
The Bully Goat is a Ukrainian folktale that tells a story about a mean and cunning goat. Through her tricks she turned an old man away from his sons and his wife. When he finally realized how bad and manipulative she was it was too late! And then she…
Spanish: Jack and the Beanstalk
Young Jack lived with his mother and their cow Margarita in an old and dilapidated house. One day Jack’s mother asked him to take the cow to the market to sell it. Instead, he exchanged Margarita for six colorful and magical beans. When he arrived…
Tags: Chile, Jackandthebeanstalk, Spanish
French: Le Petit Chaperon Rouge-Little Red Riding Hood
This version of the classic Little Red Riding Hood follows the Charles Perrault 1697 story with an abrupt and gruesome ending, both Little Red and Gramma get eaten by the big bad wolf. The story has a clear and unequivocal moral: children should not…
Spanish: Reading from Platero y yo- Platero and I
Platero y yo [Platero and I] is one of the most popular books written by Spanish author Juan Ramón Jiménez (Nobel Prize in Literature, 1956). Platero and I is a beautiful story told by a child about his donkey, Platero. The first chapter describes…
Tags: Spanish
Sinhala: හිවලුන් සහ මිදි [hivalun saha midi] The Fox and the Grapes
Based on the classic Aesop fable, this story has the following moral: There are many who pretend to despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach.
About Sinhalese: Sinhala is one of the official languages of Sri Lanka, spoken by…
About Sinhalese: Sinhala is one of the official languages of Sri Lanka, spoken by…
The Tale of Three Fish, A Story from the Panchatantra
There lived three fish in a reservoir. The first is called Anna. She is proactive and believes in strategically avoiding danger as soon as you sense it. The second fish is called Pratyu, and she only likes to avoid things that are really dangerous.…
The Brahmin and Three Rogues, a story from The Panchatantra
The story starts off with a Brahmin carrying a goat on his shoulder, gifted to him by a rich merchant for fulfilling his priestly duties. The Brahmin is tricked by three thugs into leaving the goat on the streets for the fear that the goat is…
Arabic: A Thousand and One Nights
The story is about a princess, Scheherazade, who tells bedtime stories to a king for a thousand and one nights. But every night, just as the story is getting exciting and intriguing she stops and the king, who is very curious, has to wait until the…
Spanish: Readings from Popol Vuh [the book of the people]
Popol Vuh [Book of the People] tells the mythology and history of the Kʼicheʼ people, one of the Maya peoples, who inhabit the Guatemalan highlands, the South of Mexico, and areas of Belize.
About the Spanish language in Guatemala: the Guatemalan…
About the Spanish language in Guatemala: the Guatemalan…
Catalan: La Caputxeta Vermella-Little Red Riding Hood
This version of Little Red follows Brothers Grimm’s story: both Little Red and Gramma get eaten by the big, bad wolf, but they are miraculously rescued by a huntsman or a woodcutter who open the wolf’s belly. This ending is more suitable for younger…
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Spanish: La historia del toro Fernando-The Story of Ferdinand the Bull

Fernando lives with his mother and other bulls in a dehesa in a small Spanish village. Unlike the other bulls who want to be the protagonists at the…